Hands On!!!

March 5, 2008 at 4:14 pm (Uncategorized)

Have you ever imagine that you yourself dealing in a broadcast audio recording studio like how any radio studio produce any radio production. It’s pretty interesting how I can deal with the mixer, player, head phone amplifier, microphones at one time. Of course not like I haven’t seen all these things before, but the fact is to hands on as well!

Today is my second day of pratical in the Broadcast Audio Recording Studio where I can explore how they actually produce radio commercial and stuff. It’s pretty cool and how things just fall in place. Apart from all the exploring, pressing buttons, fade in and out, overlap songs, I need to play an important role in that group too. We were divided into 7 per groups, therefore we need to choose a team leader to arrange the studio for production and discussion for assignments.

I just can’t deny my responsibilities to be a leader. I guessed God does answer my prayer. Many at times I always asked God to train me in being a good leader for I do not own any leadership skill. In Matthew 7:7-8, it says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him knocks, the door will be opened.” Sometimes it just makes me ponder upon my skill and it always narrows down to my talents. Do I really have the leadership skill? or I’m just merey a follower?

Before I actually consider to become a committee in CF, there is a question that strikes me. ‘Are you more to being a leader or a follower?’ I actually filled up the entire form and hand it in the next day after the due date for submission but after a conversation with God, I decided to end the form up in the trash bin. After a few days, Gerard actually came and approach me on which one I choosed. I answered follower but the answer doesn’t just end there. I actually wrote this in the column of answer:

I choosed between leader and follower for I am asking God really hard to challenge me in being a leader, therefore I want to take up this opportunity and open wide my heart to the Lord.

After countless of prayers, God really assigned me to be a leader in many cases or assignmnets. But I’m glad because I do actually find joy in being a leader.

Love from michelle

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What i read in church

March 5, 2008 at 8:43 am (Uncategorized)

Many of us have seen or heard about little boys plucking flowers from the earth to give to their adoring mothers. A little known song recounts a similar story of one small boy who came running to his mother with tears streaming down his cheeks and roses in his hands that he had gathered as a gift for her. The tears were shed because he had cut his hands on the thorny stems if the beautiful roses. The song’s refrain says, “He was showing his love, and that’s how he hurt his hands.”

In my mental images of Jesus I often think about his hands and how he used them out of love for others. With his hands he cleansed a leper (Mt 8:3). He placed his hands on the tougue and ears of the deaf mute, causing him to hear and speak. With his hands he gave sight to the blind (Mk. 8:23). To the failing faith of a sinking man, he extended his hand in assurance (Mt 14:31). To a  maiden asleep in death, his hand had the power of life (Mk 5:41). But at no time were those hands more precious or more loving than when they were nailed upon the cross for for you and me. Those bleeding hands, that bloody brow, his stricken back, and that sword pierced body were given as a sacrifice for my many sins. Indeed, he was showing his love, and that’s how he hurt his hands. Let all of us see more clearly the love in the hands of Jesus. He truly loves and cares for you.

– adapted

*this article is taken from the bulletin of my church, i’ll try to write it out as much as possible.. =)  hopefully i’ll make effort for it la..  GOD BLESS!!!

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It’s Driving Me Upside Down

March 5, 2008 at 8:13 am (Uncategorized)

It’s been such a long time since I last updated my blog and it’s very frustrating when there is no internet connection during my one month of holiday. Just can’t live without internet connection. I thought it will be less frustrating after a month of holiday when i finally get a chance to connect with everyone in hostel. The same thing happened again, connection just drives me upside down. I hardly could download any pics which I’m longing to share with you guys so much.

But can’t do much with such slow connection and it always goes disconnected. Anyway, I’m back from my one month of holiday in Ipoh. I just miss my mom’s cooking and the accompaniment of my grandma. Just sit next to her and listen to her ‘those day’s stories’. It just makes me feel very fortunate.

However, I just came back from holiday in Genting. And guessed what?? I went up twice in a week……Although Genting is no longer that exciting anymore, but what matter most is the friends I’m going with….If anyone of you notice my display msg in MSN “AHHHHHHHHH…….AHHHHHHHHH……..AHHHHHHH….that’s how she screams”. It was actually from a. mun moi, the piercing voice just brigthens our day in Genting. On that day, it was really misty and we can hardly got unto any rides at that moment. Rides closed down forth and then. We did have loads of funs up there. Thanks to a. mun moi who kept on bugging me to join in even at the very last minute of departure. Well, I just hopped in after paying RM42. One way or another, I do get to know Jeffrey- guy who always with the camera and the mischievious one, Shaun and Haw- who is numb to solero shot, and last but not least meeting up with new friends, Kenneth and Vivian.

And the most memorable moment up in Genting is when me and Sern spent two days of fun in Genting. Our Valentine is all planned in Genting. Although it’s two weeks late but we did have lots of laughter giving each other suprises. I will share the pics with you guys when I get a chance to upload those. The next day we met up with the CF commitees. It’s meant to be a suprise too but ended up everyone knew about it. So afterall, it’s just meeting up for lunch while they have to depart for CPR (Committee Planning Retreat) in Peace Haven.

Semester just started with loads of assignments. It’s gonna be my final year of Diploma and we are now heading to the final project which is the exhibition we’re going to hold in 5 weeks time. Lectures just can’t stop reminding us how projects can actually kill us softly and bit by bit taking our time away. I guessed that is what we’re expecting before sem started. So do bear with me for not updating k? I’ll definitely have sleepless nights staying up just to hold a successful campaign launched in college soon.

And of course, to my dearest one who is sharing half of this blog….I will always find time for you oh. So you must not be jealous over my assignments.

Love from michelle

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January 16, 2008 at 3:12 am (Uncategorized)

Hello world! Finally I’m back refreshing myself from the tedious and hectic semester. Me and Sern actually took up some time to discuss on sharing a blog and we’ve come out with a final conclusion that we actually need one in order to keep friends and family members updated all the time.

Well, ‘A New Beginning, A New Chapter of My Life’. 2007 had just passed and we are now heading to a brand new year, pondering upon setting a new resolution, and things to achieve in 2008. It’s funny how things actually goes, before reaching  1st January of this year, we flip through our list of resolution and began counting on the blessings and things accomplished throughout the year but do we always bear in mind on taking a higher ground to accomplish those. Well of course no harm having one in order to achieve something and in the process of it, I’ll doubt you will learn nothing meaning you will learn to be a better person and improving yourself in one way or another. Right?

Let me share one of my past resolution then, first in my list would be ‘taking a step further to God’. It’s amazing how things actually worked by God’s grace. All the countles of blessings and allowing me to be tested beyond my power to remain firm, giving me the strength to endure and provide a solution for me. One of the incident that I don’t mind sharing was choosing to serve in between church and CF. Before I lay my feet on TARC, I asked God to open up doors for me to serve Him no matter what. After one an a half year passed reaching 2 years, he granted me two important roles, to be part of the committee. Of course I have to choose either one of them, after a period of time praying and seeking advices, the conclusion is on church priority. It’s worth all the time and hassles.

“God is good, all the time”

That’s the end of the story. Now back to the present. This would be the time for me to list out my resolution for the year 2008. Resolution for the year would be something more practical-“Practise being consistent and persistent all the time.” So do keep me accountable all the time, and I mean it all the time.

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